Friday, April 22, 2005

21/04/05 Ninemileburn visit

Went to visit Mitch and Jo and their new son Finn at their posh country house in Ninemileburn.
Ninemileburn is a great place name I think. I'm not sure if it's called that because there is a burn (that's a "small stream" to you sassenach types) around, that just happens to be exactly 9 miles long, or whether historically there were nine separate burns in the surrounding area, each a mile long, or maybe there was a large area 9 miles long which was regularly set on fire as some kind of ancient pagan ritual involving the sacrifice of virgins and execution of suspected witches.
I should have really asked Mitch while I was there.
Finn seemed a very nice, calm, relaxed baby. Apparently we got him at a good time though according to Mitch.
I had my photograph taking holding Finn with animal horns behind me (koodoo horns to be precise).
This gave the impression that the horns were coming out of my head, and thus the image that I was the devil and was cradling another new recruit to my army of souls, ready to create global havoc in a kind of Damien from "The Omen" style.
I have a similar photo of me holding his older brother Jem. Very funny.
I'm intending giving the boys some old 60s LPs that they can play backwards and listen to my life tips as they grow up.

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