Monday, April 18, 2005

17/04/05 Cat Behaviour

I noticed that Ted the Cat was busy doing his "territory spraying" thing up on the scaffolding at the back of my flat.
He obviously sees this as an unexpected new part of his empire which has to be marked accordingly with feline urine to determine ownership.
It must be slightly confusing for him. It's like suddenly finding a conservatory appear at the back of your house, and having an irresistible urge to decorate it with floral wallpaper, to incorporate into the rest of your domain.
I noticed on Google that "National Cat Day" was on March 28th. This would have been a good wacky opportunity for humans to behave like cats for a day as a conciliatory gesture to the feline species.
This would involve pissing on the side of your desk in your office, to clarify ownership. Furthermore, it would also be appropriate to sit on your boss's knee and allow him/her to tickle you under the chin.

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