Thursday, April 21, 2005

19/04/05 New Pope

So, tough-talking Joe Ratzinger is the new guy in charge. This doesn't seem an appropriate name for a new Pope. More fitting of a Bruce Willis type all-action hero who's going to kick some ass in the field of organised religion.
Obviously the Cardinals involved in his appointment agree with me, and his name has been swiftly changed to Benedict the 16th. This doesn't sound like a Bruce Willis type all-action hero at all. This sounds like a Pope.
I'd be slightly disgruntled at the choice if I was Joe. It makes it more difficult for him to make a historic mark as Pope, when there have already been 15 previous Popes with the same name. And presumably there'll be a few after Joe as well, as it seems a really popular choice. A bit like the name Jim. Although, everyone I know that have called their kids by my popular Christian name are now using the formal "James" version.
I used to absolutely detest being called James, (I still do). However, the most blood chilling version of it was "Jamie". A Primary School teacher in South Shields insisted on calling me that when we had to spend 6 months down there on account of my Dad's job.
Anyway, apparently the new Pope hates poofs, disapproves of condoms, is against the ordination of women and thinks rock'n'roll is a repugnant vehicle of anti-religion. Consequently, his reign should be able to link with the last encumbent seamlessly.
Too bad about the Aids situation in Africa.
Looks like the Vatican will continue to be a reality-free zone for the foreseeable future.

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