Saturday, April 16, 2005

15/04/05 Material Boy

I nicked down to Dave Bann's restaurant to get my free lunch and work on some ideas for new material, (I am an investor in the restaurant, check, it's very good, you really should go...very often, and spend a lot while you're there).
Just to get relaxed I had a large glass of white wine before the meal.
I finished this just as the meal arrived, and thought that it seemed reasonable to have another large glass of wine with my meal.
As large glasses of wine go, it's fair to say that these glasses were at the upper end of the largeness scale. Mr Bann informed me that 3 such glasses constituted a whole bottle of wine.
I did scribble away for a while but being slightly pissed is, in my experience, not always a useful aid to the creative process.
A valuable lesson then. Have a couple of drinks after you've come up with a few original and hilarious stand-up anecdotes.
I went back home and fell asleep on the couch. Now that's what I call a full working day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very amusing