Sunday, April 10, 2005

09/04/05 Ding Dong

I was supposed to be spending the day trying to work on some new stand-up material. That was the plan anyway.
I ended up watching Charles and Camilla's wedding live on BBC1, shamelessly neglecting my writing duties.
I have to confess I quite like old Charlie. He's had a lot of grief over the years, and I was happy to see him having a good day at the office for a change.
I quite like Camilla as well. She's a game old bird.
I'd imagine she's the type of female who could quite happily break wind loudly in polite company, and make a joke about it. I think this is an admirable characteristic for any future "queen" to possess.
These "Royal Correspondents" on the telly do ma heid in. They get so excited about an event like this. What a job. It's just the sheer, unending banality of analysing all things Royal. I feel sorry for them. I'm sure the money isn't nearly enough to compensate them for this utter drudgery.
This is the first blog entry where I have really struggled for something to say.
You have probably noticed this already.
I think I should just stand up now and sing "God Save The Queen" and log off gracefully.

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