Sunday, July 24, 2005

22/07/05 More Nasty Awfulness

Another large dollop of attempted bombings, successful bombings and shootings. It's all very grim.
I suspect that most of my generation thought that with the end of the Cold War, and it's accompanying nuclear stand-off, that the world would end up a safer place. Fat fucking chance of that happening.
The world seems to be in an unprecedented state of dangerousness all of a sudden.
I suppose you could argue it has always been thus, and just because it has arrived on our doorstep, it has all come sharper into focus.
To make matters worse, I forgot to take the bin bags out last night, and now I have to keep them over the weekend till Sunday night.
Unbelieveable. How could I be so stupid and forgetful?
It is now also less than 2 weeks to the start of the Fringe show.
My sphincter is already beginning to pulsate like a geiger counter in Windscale.
Well, slight exageration. Not feeling too bad. The first couple of nights are going to be fairly chaotic though.
The three of us just haven't had enough chance to get together to structure a show properly, so it's going to be more of a straight stand-up show than we had originally envisaged.
However, we're hoping to develop ideas as the run progresses, and make the show slightly different from the common-or-garden Fringe stand-up show.

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