Monday, July 11, 2005

11/07/05 Possible Job Shocker!

I found out today that I have a better than evens chance of getting an IT Contract in Edinburgh.
The problem is that I can't afford not to take it, bearing in mind that I'll be getting hit by a giant tax bill at the end of the month, and will also have to pay at least £20 000 when this hugely enjoyable communal building repair is (eventually) finished.
It would have been much better if the job could have come along in September though. Working and doing a Fringe show is going to be hard work, and my late night debauchery possibilities will disappear! damn damn damn.
Ain't life a bitch!
I can maybe take some time off, but employers are never particularly impressed when you start hassling for holidays as soon as you're in the door.
I had a feeling this might happen. Ah well never mind. It could be worse. It could be raining!
Think positively man! At least I'll be able to hassle my co-workers to come and see the show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think there is some confusion here, no ? Not that you are having an IT Contract (whatever it-girl that involves), but that it is a contract in your name.

I think you have been upsetting too many people with your comments and your cycling for now.