Tuesday, August 29, 2006

28/08/06 The Man Who Planted Trees

I went to see a puppet show piece at the Netherbow Theatre today.
The last time I had been in this intimate little venue was in the 80s, to witness a concert by the Capital Models.
I had actually been in this band, and had performed at The Netherbow on an earlier occasion, but this time I was watching a re-vamped band play with Keith Apter on da drums.
And very good they were too.
Dave Reilly, always an innovator, had set up a light show by taping a couple of household torches to the tops of the PA speakers.
It were right tough in't them days, and a "lighting rig" were nuthing but a dream...
Ahhh...just seemed like yesterday.
Anyway, the play was called "The Man Who Planted Trees", and it was a truly magical piece of theatre about an old shepherd who loved planting trees.
There's an underlying environmental message attached ; but along the way there's lots of laughs, lots of nice little touches (like wafting various smells through the audience to enhance the sense of the locations)...and very moving.
I was nearly greeting at one point...!
What a fucking emotional wreck I am these days.
I was originally going to see some stand-up after the puppet thing, but decided against it...
I didn't want to risk hearing a lot of hack crap and spoiling my transcendental bliss generated by viewing the Netherbow show.
If I hear one more comedian make a joke about Islamic martyrs getting 70 virgins (Have you ever slept with a virgin? They're rubbish? It'd be better with 70 slappers...etc etc bla bla bla)...
I just kept hearing different people do that same joke over the Fringe.
The comedy police should issue spot fines for that sort of thing.

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