Monday, June 18, 2007

18/06/07 bla bla bla

Haven't updated this for a while. Shoddy!
I have had quite a few gigs recently. They've all gone really well, but hey, you know..."triumph and disaster", they're both bastards so I'm not making any rash assessments.
I had a couple of gigs at the Leith Festival AND got interviewed by Leith FM.
I am living the fucking dream! so there...!
I was at Edinburgh Airport on Saturday, bleary eyed at 8am on my way down to London for the weekend.
As is often the case, the airport bar was filled with travellers quaffing pints.
I'm always mystified by this...
A pint of lager at 8am...why???? It is so wrong...on so many levels...
I'm not being moralistic or anything...
14 hours later I was pissed as a fart at a charity auction dinner for the Kew Park Rangers football club in London...
But why drink pints at 8am...
Is it just because the bar is open...a kind of Scottish "Pavlov's Dogs" situation?
Is it fear of flying?
I felt like going round the bar interviewing people and asking them what it was all about...
I also find the waiting to board behaviour of people a bit odd as well...
Our flight was due to board at Gate 7...
I got there about an hour before boarding and the seating area around gate 7 was full with dozens of people just standing.
All the other gates were empty with loads of seats. But everyone seemed happier standing at THEIR gate.
It's not like waiting for a bus in that it will go without you if you're not at the stop.
This is an airport.
Once you check in, that plane won't leave without's ok to sit anywhere and just mosey along when they start announcing that it's time to board.
Anyway, I have been to a series of barbecues of late, and am avoiding going anywhere near a set of scales as all the munching has taken its toll.
I can feel it without needing official confirmation from the said device.
You see when you go out for a meal, you generally follow the starter/main/dessert format, and have a rough idea of how many calories you are taking on.
At a barbecue it's more of a main/main/main/main/dessert/sometimes more main/drink/drink/drink set up.
Rather than force feed geese to make Foie Gras, it would be more humane to invite them to a series of informal barbecues.
There should be no need for the cruelty of the existing practice.
And Salman Rushdie gets a knighthood...woo hoo!
If I was him I would be a bit apprehensive in case the Queen had secretly converted to Islam.
He would then be in a vulnerable postion,on his knees in front of the Queen with a big sword in her hand.
There would be that tense pause when she is about to pronounce to him...
Is it "A- rise Sir Salman"...
or it could be "A-llah Akbar"...then swish...
I got back from London just in time for a gig at The Stand.
It was a really fun night, everyone had a good gig and Tom Stade had me in hysterics...AND the cheeky compere, the wondrous Susan Calman was wearing girly make-up...
It was all happening!
I gave Tom a lift home and was gravely embarassed, when my "Bananarama Greatest Hits" cd bust into action when I switched the ignition on.
But I am still cool in spite of all this...

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