Monday, October 08, 2007

08/10/07 The Good Old Days

I went to see The Rezillos in Edinburgh on Saturday night...
In days of old, I was a ever-so-slightly obsessive fan...pretty much stalker-esque..
It's great to see them still rocking the joint even though they must now be in their late 70s...
The other members of my entourage participated in an extended bout of pogoing, but sadly my football-addled knees prevent me from taking part in this high-impact activity.
I was content to stand with my hands in my cardigan pockets and sway slowly from side to side as I sucked on a Worthers Original.
I had a decent gig at The Stand in Glasgow last night in spite of the fact I was a little weary from my Rezillo antics the night before.
Because of the gig I was unable to watch Scotland get knocked out the World Cup by Argentina.
From what I gather it was a fairly forgettable game and Scotland paid the price for leaving it too late to throw caution to the wind and have a go.
I heard the last 15 minutes on the radio as I drove home.
Gavin Hasting was summarising.
Now Hastings was a fantastic, swashbuckling rugby player in his heyday, and he achieved great things on the field of play.
However, as a broadcaster, he comes across as monumentally dull.
He doesn't seem to have much of interest to contribute, but he takes a hell of a long time to say it..a lot of mealy-mouthed cliche-ridden drivel.
He had me shouting at the car radio to "shut-up!" as I drove back along the M8.
He used to be on the telly summarising, but seems to have lost that gig.
I remember he couldn't seem to keep his hands still when speaking and always looked like he was attempting an Al Jolson impersonation.
At one point he started going on about how the All Blacks shouldn't be allowed to do the Haka before the game, and called it an anachronism.
Bollocks...I love the's a good bit of theatre.
He seemed to be implying it gives the All Blacks an unfair advantage...baloney!
I hope I don't sound like I'm being too critical here...
I have begun to giggle every time I see Rafael Benitez, the Liverpool manager.
He has what you might describe as slightly goggly eyes.
I was reading an article in which he was described as looking like "a haddock playing a trumpet"...
It's just such a funny image...oh it makes me larf!


Anonymous said...

Gavin Hastings came to my school once to hand over prizes from a charity raffle. A kid had got signed football stuff from clubs across the UK to raffle and was giving the proceeds to Bryan Gunn's cancer charity.

Gavin was doing the honours at an assembly. Gav hands over a signed Hearts programme to this wee guy, then with the timing of a perfectly pleasant but truly unfunny man - says "I hope he's not a Hibs supporter!"

It's the sort of innocuous line a reasonably funny person could pull off as banter. Sadly for Gavin, his forced attempt at humour, left a deathly hush - with not even the teachers prepared to force a laugh. I felt sorry for him. I didn't laugh either though. He seems like a nice, but unfunny, man.

jimbo said...

yes...I can picture this episode all too clearly...
As you say, I'm sure he's a decent human being...he just shouldn't be allowed to try humour or opinion in the public arena.
It's for the best...