Saturday, March 17, 2007

17/03/2007 Talk Talk

The TALK TALK Sales team tell me how it is all going to be great and that....

So anyway, I decided to switch from the evil overpriced Telewest empire to the brave new world of Talk Talk...
Unfortunately the transition has been accompanied with a dirty large seam, and as a result I have been without access to the Interweb for the past 3 weeks.
Did you miss me ?
Every single day?
Did you hang my picture on your wall? the fat guy who we can't mention by name anymore, who wore the tin foil suit and the bad wig and sang about such things...
I'm on at The Stand this Monday (19th), so come along and have a pint...
The past few gigs have gone worryingly well, and a dangerous perceptible level of confidence is creeping into my psyche...
Where/when it will be crushed is anybody's could happen anytime...worrying...worrying...
I was walking down Dalry Road the other day at lunchtime when I saw in the distance what I thought was some kind of political demo taking place...
Curious, I advanced towards it but was ultimately surprised to find it was a gigantic queue of pupils from Tynecastle High School at "Greig's" the Bakers...
So much for Jamie Oliver's campaign!
Without wishing to sound like "Outraged, of Tunbridge Wells", I did find it a little depressing that literally hundreds of kids were queuing up to eat nutrition free gunge...
Don't their parents give a shit?
No wonder we are shit at Sports...
I was a little shocked...I naively thought that the Scottish diet thing had moved on a bit...I wiz wrong...!
For no reason in particular, I remembered this family anecdote today...
In her later years my Gran became just a little confused sometimes...
When she was at our house once, she noticed a large white Husky Dog soft toy which was situated in the corner of our living room.
"What do you feed it?" asked my Gran in all seriousness.
Quick as a flash, my Dad replied "We stuff cotton wool up its arse!"
I was thinking about that walking up the street today and burst out giggling, attracting quizzical looks from the oncoming pedestrian traffic.

1 comment:

Hermes said...

Caveat emptor, and better the devil you know ...