Tuesday, January 22, 2008

21/01/08 Back in the saddle

This is my niece Kitty.
I ran through my stand-up routine for her to see what she thought of it.
She said that whilst she found my act "intrinsically very funny", my set as a whole would benefit from having "a more cohesive narrative structure".
These are fair points.
It's amazing how quickly kids develop these days.
I had my first gig of 2008 at The Stand in Glasgow on Sunday.
Being my first gig for a few weeks, I was actually hoping that it would be a reasonably quiet night.
I figured that a Sunday in late January, with credit card bills to pay, and the weather a bit rubbish etc etc it would likely fall foul of the post-Xmas collective hangover syndrome.
I was completely wrong on this and was somewhat surprised to find the venue absolutely packed.
It seems that Sunday is the new Saturday in Glasgow.
The "Performance Anxiety Indicator" rose further when I discovered I was on first.
However, in the end, the gig went great.
But do you want to hear that?
No...of course not...you'd prefer a tale of failure and disaster wouldn't you?
Well, sorry to disappoint you all!
hah! Go find another schmuck to exercise your evil schadenfreude tendencies.
Pathetically, I still haven't been able to get beyond the single cigarette I smoked 2 weeks ago.
I've taken the decision now that I'm just going to give up.
I really can't be bothered with the stress of trying to start smoking again.
I know...I know...you don't have to tell me how weak and feeble-willed I am, but stuff it...I'll just have to live with it.
To add further embarassment (as if I needed to), I've lost half a stone since New Year.
I've started wearing tight fitting t-shirts again in a pathetic attempt to emphasize my retreating flab, but this isn't going to work indefinitely; particularly if I keep up all this pointless exercise which I've sadly become addicted to.
btw "No Country For Old Men" is an excellent film.
In my dotage, fewer and fewer films hold my attention and interest throughout...but this one definitely does.
Although saying that, the woman sitting behind me loudly complained to her husband at the end of the film...
"Well that was a load of CRAP!"
(you can't please everybody though, can you?)

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