Thursday, February 07, 2008

07/02/08 Night Out With The Lads

I went to see my old mucker Jamie Frain showcase his new CD at The Phoenix Bar last night, with Dave Reilly ably accompanying him on bass.
Old Frainto remains a very talented musician.
He's got a great voice and can definitely write a mean tune.
My only criticism would be that his lyrics don't quite engage me to the same extent, but that's a minor quibble.
"Trashcan Secrets" is the pick of the bunch.
Later I had a dispute with Dave's wife regarding her husband's TV viewing habits.
She seemed to think that as I was currently not in possession of a job, it was inappropriate of me to make impertinent remarks regarding Dave's packed lifestyle.
It was all happening !
Another old mucker of mine, Mr Nicky Hind , is across visiting from the USA for a few days,and we have been having a right royal laugh.
He went down to Newcastle with me on the next leg of my UK tour.
The gig went really well even though I thought my actual performance was fairly cack.
"Long Live Comedy" is a great little club though, and I'd heartily recommend it!
We tried to find Hadrian's Wall on the way down, but got a bit lost and only found a little bit of it just before it got dark.
It looked just like a mound of earth, but the sign said it was a Roman Temple attached to the wall.
The new SatNav worked a treat on the way down but then wouldn't charge up for the journey home.
It took a while to get out of Newcastle under manual navigation and I took a short tour of several Industrial Estates in Newcastle. Very interesting.
We've spent a lot of time arguing about politics, the system and "working for the man"...I'd say I won.
I also had a pretty severe haircut...a No. 2 all over...
I like it, but am blessed with something of a potato head and am not best suited to the crew cut look...
My friend Lynne said it made me look 10 years younger ...but she was probably a bit pissed..(I certainly was)

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