Thursday, June 21, 2007

21/06/07 "The Nights Are Fair Drawing In..."

I was walking across a pelican crossing today behind a female, probably in her 40s, who was wearing a colourful skirt, somewhat reminiscent of the splash of colour you'd associate with Joseph and his much talked about coat.
A matronly Edinburgh lady, probably in her 50s, was walking across in the opposite direction.
As they passed each other, the older female smiled at the younger female and exclaimed "Ooooh! What a lovely skirt!", pausing briefly, before continuing across the road.
I can't imagine a man doing this to another man, and it got me thinking that maybe I could construct a hilarious new comedy routine based around the fundamental differences between men and women...?
It could be a winner, and might lead to me getting higher profile gigs!
I wondered whether the older woman was just an uninhibited, free spirit type who just spontaneously expresses her views on things, or whether she was a mentalist...
I'll never know...
I was off for a swim today and in the pool car park met a couple of friends of mine with their 3 year old newly adopted son who I was meeting for the first time.
It was delightful to see the parents and child laughing and joking, very much at ease with each other...
I felt good...
But then I suddenly remembered that tonight I'm appearing at evil Rick Molland's comedy club "Heresy", and was once again reminded that the world is in actual fact a soulless vaccuum of evil and despair.
"Heresy" is a cesspit of excrement and general nastiness, and doing the front crawl through it with a malevolent grin, is Mr Molland himself...rejoicing in his nihilism and god baiting antics...
It's a great club though, so come along if you think you're warped enough....

I was shocked to find my jacket missing from my locker after I emerged from the pool...!
I alerted the staff and a good 30 minutes was spent scouring the changing area, and checking with other pool users if they'd seen anyone interfering with my locker.
I gave a full description of my jacket then headed off cursing my ill fortune.
It turns out I shouldn't really have been shocked to find my jacket missing from my locker, as I'd actually left it in the car.
I am an arse.

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