Thursday, March 01, 2007

01/03/2007 Pub Closedown Shocker!

I had something of an out-of-body experience last night at the comedy club.
I was dancing on stage wearing a Saddam Hussein rubber mask to the Scissor Sisters
track "I Don't Feel Like Dancing".
I'd earlier roughly choroegraphed a routine which was a combination of "River Dance", Disco and "The Slosh" style.
As I looked at myself, I wondered what the adolescent Jim would have thought if he'd been shown this nightmarish vision of Jim the adult.
I've no doubt he would be horrified.
(the idea of the piece was "to satirise the illegal war in Iraq through the medium of dance", in case you're interested)
Great night though....
And it was also the last night of the club at this venue, as the Holyrood Tavern is now closed of today...!
I think they just kept it open last night to make a bit of cash as we again brought in a room full of customers...
(the average Wednesday nights there had about 3 people in the bar before we started running the club)
So we're on the lookout for a new home.
Thanks to all the acts who appeared and to everybody who came along and supported us.
And if you didn't make it to any of the nights, then you should be deeply ashamed of yourself, and I sincerely hope that you have enormous difficulty in sleeping at night for the foreseeable future.
How could you?
Bastards, bastards, bastards....!
On a brighter note, Ted the resident feline has been very ill but is now back to his manic self.
The comical Dee Custance remarked on stage last night that I reminded her of her Dad...

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