The tricky North-West face of Shehallion
I had a gig at The Stand on Monday night which went really well.
I then had another one at The Stand the following night.
This wasn't very good.
I did the same set, but the belly laughs of 24 hours previous were replaced by quizzical stares.
It was the reaction you'd expect if you were showing your dog a card trick.
A group of friends and aquaintances came to one of the shows.
Which one do you think it was?
In fairness, Tuesday was a struggle for a lot of the acts ; although Jim Hobbit produced a trademark mentalist performance that got the place rocking...!
He certainly read the room better than I did, that's for sure.
I've got a million and one things to do, but I find the hot weather just turns me into a slothy layabout.
Thank goodness it's a bit cooler today....
I walked up the mountain Shehallion yesterday in The Trossachs.
It was a tough slog in the heat but it was amazing at the top.
Knackered today though..and I've got football tonight.
One of my great comedy heroes, Richard Herring, has agreed to do a guest spot for "Kill The Monster" on the 19th August, so I'm looking forward to that.
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